Lunar News: Full Moon in Capricorn
Astrological vibe check: Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference
Full Moon at 29° Capricorn on July 21st at 4:16 AM MST
Sabian Symbol: Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference
This is not something any particular astrology mentor has ever explicitly said to me or taught me, but the conclusion I’ve drawn about predictive astrology is that the responsibility is so immense that one must tailor her interpretations of the stars to be sensitive to the heaviness of fate. By that I mean, sometimes there are world-changing consequences of world-changing actions and we can quite literally see these play out based on certain significations of planets and their alignments. These are mostly rare and the severity of the impact depends on billions of individual contexts (because there are 8 billion individuals living on Earth today and we all feel the impact of the planets differently based on our charts). So, predicting in mundane astrology—the astrology of global affairs—is tricky because, as an astrologer, you don’t want to look at a certain Mars transit and outright say that the sky is falling because you don’t want to strike unmitigated fear into the public. The sky may very well fall, but perhaps only in the life of one particular individual who has natal planets aspecting a nasty alignment, but for everyone else the day will carry on as normal. The probability of something like this happening always skews higher and so astrologers will tend to look at a rough transit and give vague impressions of “bad vibes all around.” Occasionally, however, a rough transit will impact, say, a particularly central or important global figure whose individual fate might impact millions of people in a country or worldwide. The (mundane) astrologer, then, must make her choice whether or not to look at the information, the transits, and make the prediction without any sensitivity toward an audience that may or may not panic. For months (in some cases, years) astrologers have been looking to mid-July 2024 for massive global shocks due to the conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Taurus. The majority of predictions were vague, impressionistic hints of something shocking, possibly involving violence happening. There were a few who did clearly say political violence would befall us, but they tend to be dismissed by the collective because of how “dramatic” they sound.
I have no resolution to these thoughts, but I offer this reflection to demonstrate the power of cyclical time and patterns and observation and the effort it takes to interpret what the stars are telling us.
Today’s Capricorn Full Moon marks the end of the lunar cycle reset, and it is surrounded by some heavy astrology and extends the dark themes of chaos, power, and aggression that we’ve seen over the last month. It’s a powerful lunation that is going to leave us feeling like we were forged in fire prepared for the next chapter.
To talk a little bit again about the lunar cycle reversal and its reset: this Cancer season we are experiencing two Full Moons in Capricorn (June 21; July 21) with one New Moon in Cancer (July 5) in the middle which will restore the lunar cycle to its normal pattern of New Moon followed by a Full Moon. Since March 2023 we have had Full Moons preceding New Moons. This creates an energetic imbalance whereby we experience the chaotic purging of a Full Moon and then feel depleted two weeks later when the New Moon arrives. The more natural flow is to begin from a blank slate with the New Moon and then work our way up to a big release with the Full Moon. After today and this weekend’s big flushing out of toxins physical and metaphysical, we can truly rest and anticipate the next New Moon as a time for true rejuvenation. But until then… this Full Moon is going to hit us like an earthquake that will put the structures of our lives to the test. While some might be razed to the ground, others will be left standing with various degrees of foundational repair needs exposed. Over the next two weeks, then, we can expect to be examining, re-designing, and re-building the skeletal axis that gives sturdy form to our lives—and we’ll be prepared for the New Moon in Leo to breathe egoic presence into it.
This Full Moon is also conjunct Pluto retrograde sitting at 0° Aquarius, which will bring in a dramatic power struggle into the mix of heightened emotions. This conjunction is in a trine to Mars, which has newly ingressed into Gemini as of July 20th. Things could get aggressive, especially in verbal, petty fights that are getting picked for no reason. Whether these conflicts play a big or small role in our individual lives, it’s important to remember to internalize the lessons they are giving us because they will come up again after Mercury’s retrograde period next month. As Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, he oversees all activities in that sign, so he will be giving extra scrutiny to Mars’ transit through there.
Of note about Mars moving into Gemini: he leaves behind a putrid utter mess in Taurus because he is in detriment there—undignified, grumpy, disorganized, confused, overall a nightmare to be around. The god of war and aggression should aspire to precision and tact in his power games, but in Taurus he is devoid of these skills and behaves like a bull in a China shop. We witnessed the havoc he wreaked over the last several days. The last time Mars was transiting Gemini, he experienced a retrograde. It was an inflammatory time for communications and technology. Elon Musk finished his acquisition of Twitter when Mars was Rx in Gemini and the turbulence of that transition was felt. This time around, fortunately, Mars will be smooth sailing through the sign for the next 6 or so weeks. He'll meet Pluto first, then Jupiter and Saturn and Neptune in various major aspects over that time. Significantly, Mars will never perfect his square to Mercury while he retrogrades through Virgo. Their sextile (when Mercury is in Leo) will come within 10° of each other, but will also never perfect. Like two ships passing in the night, Mercury is unable to help Mars out with graceful and elegant words, making bickering more inflammatory. All in all, the next couple of months are one giant lesson in conflict resolution. Good luck, don't say anything you don't mean, and don't go to bed angry.
The final signature of this lunation is the Mercury in Leo square to Uranus in Taurus, which has been building over the last week (and likely had something to do with the Crowdstrike bug causing global IT outage). Shock announcements will be made right about now, but be discerning in what you believe. Neptune, the planet of illusions and delusions, is the final dispositor of this lunation, which is kind of like being the CEO or Chairman of the Board. False narratives are flying at this time and we could all do with incorporating a good amount of skepticism in our lives.
If this Full Moon sounds like a shit show, it’s cause it is. Lay low.