Lunar News: Full Moon in Capricorn
Astro vibe check: 3 stained glass windows in a Gothic church, one damaged by war
Full Moon at 1° Capricorn on June 21st at 7:07PM MST
Sabian Symbol: Three stained-glass windows in a Gothic church, one damaged by war
Shades of Saturnian grace and austerity flood this Solstice-themed Full Moon in Capricorn. It’s not an easy lunation to get through, but since it’s happening so soon after the Solstice, we hope that some potent Sol magic carries over and infuses us with energy to withstand to icy vibe. This will be a mostly stoic Full Moon but for the T-square that Neptune at 29° Pisces is forming to the Sun and Moon’s opposition. This influence from Neptune gives our dreams extra potency, but there’s a risk of getting too delusional at play here too.
This year we have two Full Moons taking place back to back, which will restore us back to the normal lunar cycle, which is: New Moon on one side of the zodiac followed by a Full Moon on the opposite side. We’ve been in a reverse lunar cycle for the past several months wherein the Full Moon occurs first along a given axis followed by a New Moon. In order to get back to the normal lunar progression, we have to go through a portal of sorts, with a Blue Moon, or, two Full Moons in one month. For example: today, we have the Full Moon at 1° Capricorn, in two weeks we’ll have the New Moon at 14° Cancer, and then two weeks after that we’ll have the next Capricorn Full Moon at the 29th degree. After this triptych of lunations along the Cancer/Capricorn axis, the lunar cycle will return to it’s typical rhythm. The progression of New Moon followed by Full Moon is said to be natural because we have the darkness of the New Moon answered by the illumination of the Full Moon. The New Moon is an empty space that we are called upon to fill over the course of the cycle and we reach a culmination point with the Full Moon. The answers to our questions and the resolutions to our dilemmas are given through lunar enlightenment. Today is the last time we’ll have to put the cart before the horse, moving backwards in a Jeopardy-style game where we know the answers first.
This Capricorn Full Moon provides us with a structure and foundation for legacy arcs of all kinds. Given the proximity to the Solstice, we can think first about the legacy of what we want going into this second half of the year. Up until now we have been in a growth mindset and we are at the turning point where we are reaping what we’ve sown. This Full Moon is a good opportunity to reflect on what has been cultivated since the last Solstice and how we can use our resources to provide for us as we head into the next seasonal arc.
It’s a Full Moon ruled by Saturn, which is supporting us in this reflective mood, although it can dampen the temperament as Full Moons are usually explosions of energy and Saturn is a giant party pooper. The Moon is also in detriment in Capricorn, she does not do her best work here—at a time when we feel like we need to process this seasonal shift emotionally we might experience emotional blockages. Don’t be surprised if you feel like you need to cry, but can’t.
The T-square from Neptune adds a distinct flavor to all of this, however. The 90° aspect the planet of illusions and dreams is forming to both the Sun and the Moon is going to add a touch of surrealism to the day. Neptune is elevating us to a highly spiritual state where we feel as though we are getting a break from reality in order to reorganize our lives, or at least our emotional responses to where we are in life at the moment. Although we may be experiencing—or even indulging in—an identity crisis, this is an especially potent time to explore all the ways we express ourselves and the deeper spiritual layers in our core. Dreams, hallucinations, messages coming through to us in the clouds, pay close attention to all of these messages.
This is not like our typical Full Moon, we won’t really feel like having fun, but spelunking the far flung caves of our psyche is a great way to spend the time.