Lunar News: New Moon in Sagittarius
A theatrical representation of the golden haired goddess of opportunity
New Moon at 9° Sagittarius on November 30th at 11:21 PM MST
Sabian Symbol: A theatrical representation of golden haired goddess of opportunity
This New Moon is a good one to voraciously go after all that you are seeking, because it is also seeking you. The beautiful image of a centaur with his bow and arrow taut and raised translates to the wonderful feeling you get when you stop toiling away miserably at whatever is right in front of you and look up and out beyond yourself and aspire to something new. Sagittarius season brings a fire that motivates (and warms) us to prepare for the new beginning that the solstice will herald in a few short weeks. The Moon meets the Sun in this sign of the sacred quest and it evokes a need within us to investigate and explore more possibilities available to us. Sagittarius is deeply optimistic, grandiose, and unwavering in its faith; it perfectly captures the sentiment of the Camus quote, “In the depth of winter I found within me an invincible summer.” Especially this year—with the final Pluto ingress, the lunar nodes moving out of the Aries-Libra axis, watching Uranus and Neptune complete their transits through Taurus and Pisces—we have undergone near-cataclysmic transformations, with yet more to come. This optimistic vibe is well-timed and much needed.
This lunation reminds us that we are never finished with seeking the truth. The truth surrounds us like water around fish, we breathe it in, but we are often oblivious to it, or it is obscured from us somehow—whether through our own ego, or echo chambers we’ve constructed for self-protection. Seeing the world for what it truly is is difficult; it takes much less effort to deceive ourselves and paint a picture of reality that is a fantasy of what we want. This is easier in the short term, but conditioning ourselves to question things and find truth—even if those truths don’t align with previously held beliefs, ideological alignments, or opinions passed down to us—will be the most edifying way to live. Now is the time to commit to the truth.
Mercury is currently retrograde in Sagittarius, which adds another layer to this Hero’s Journey toward truth. Three times a year, every year, Mercury slightly inconveniences us by backtracking and forcing us to review certain aspects of our lives, and we are given the chance to make corrections. As Mercury goes back through his transit in Sagittarius, we can ask ourselves, “Where have I been blind to the truth over the last few weeks?” If you know your rising sign and which house Sagittarius rules in your birth chart, you can personalize this question to ask where you have been blind to the truth with regards to the area of life that Mercury is focusing on at this time. This isn’t easy work—and, indeed, this is why Mercury Rx’s are challenging to begin with—because you have to be unflinchingly objective when looking for your blindspots. Another question to ask of yourself is whether or not these “blindspots” are actually just self-protective measures to keep yourself from being stung by the truth. At times Mercury Rx is more subtle than just technological disasters, or travel delays. The influence of this transit can be felt in the words we say that we later regret, or it can feel like when you come out of darkness into a the too-bright light illuminating what we were hiding from. It is useful to study our mistakes and integrate our lessons, Sagittarius wants this from us. Mercury Rx in Sagittarius and Jupiter Rx in Gemini are in mutual reception. So, although they are both in weakened states, they are assisting one another. As we bumble through the next couple of weeks, we might feel like we’re stranded on the side of the road with a bunch of tools, but none of the right ones. This calls for ingenuity on our part, and a little faith. It sounds impractical, but when Jupiter is involved, we can never underestimate the power of positive thinking.
This syzygy is within 3° of a square to Saturn, now direct, in Pisces. This adds a bit of pressure to our lessons learned. It feels more like an exam. As this square is happening between two mutable signs, adaptability and flexibility is needed. When encountering any problems, especially as they relate to our emotional centers, consider solutions that may come as your third or fourth instinct. Saturn’s aloof harshness as a teacher has this effect on our lives where when we try to solve our issues the easy way, he delivers us great consequences for defaulting on this and not rising to the challenge.
The final month of the year is a crescendo into 2025. As we build to the next Full Moon and Yule Solstice, we’re getting yet another planetary station: Mars retrograde in Leo. We’ll feel stuck in our tracks, but the Mercury Cazimi should bring a certain peaceful moment of clarity and ideally we can find the strength in being still. Expect a lot of power struggles to play out on the global stage. Political transitions take on an extra heaviness as we adjust to the new paradigm of Pluto in Aquarius.
Lunar Cycle Transits
December 2: Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus Rx in Taurus
Financial markets are getting a high voltage charge at this time with higher than usual volatility, although it passes quickly. Today is a good candidate for the next Bitcoin ATH. Relationships are tested with some threats of destabilization. This short-lived transit reminds us that in times of trouble with others, we have to ultimately trust ourselves that we have the strength to stabilize ourselves again. Turbulent moments are nothing to panic over.
December 3: Mercury Rx in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter Rx in Gemini
We are reviewing agreements, arguments, contracts, any communications made on November 17th; coming back to ideas that flashed in our minds to be further teased out. This opposition will happen again after Mercury stations direct, so pay attention to your lessons coming up around this time. They might have to do with having a false sense of arrogance or overindulgence.
December 4: Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces
Today we are feeling a conflict between our desire for self-gratification and our responsibilities to everyone else. If we are experiencing a greater heaviness from our duties, it’s not really that they are putting more of a burden on us, but rather we have a stronger desire to indulge in fun. Instead of projecting negativity and dread onto this tension, use this as motivation to get through your tasks, to bring about all that you desire quicker. There is also a biting emotional edge to this transit where our self-confidence might be hit and things could go two ways. Either we get more cocky to over-compensate for a depleted self-esteem, or we could isolate and withdraw, thinking that we are unworthy of anything good in life. This transit illuminates for us all the ways in which we reinforce the circumstances that make us feel restricted. Ask yourself, “In what ways am I complicit in bringing about the conditions I say I want to avoid?”
December 5: Mercury Rx inferior conjunction to the Sun in Sagittarius
This is a day for insights and clarity to drop, most especially in small moments of crisis. You will likely have to get creative with your solutions to problems, but you’ll never forget the innovations you come up with today.
December 6: Mars stations retrograde at 6° Leo; Venus ingresses into Aquarius; Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
Today is another wave of chaotic movements in the financial markets with some steep overcorrections from the beginning of the week. In our daily lives, we’ll feel aggravated, tense, and frustrated as Mars stations retrograde for a long few months. There is a sense that we have to give up on something we were looking forward to, or that there are other things we have to prioritize before getting to the good stuff. The theme of this lunar cycle is Delayed Gratification.
Adding to the frenzy is Venus changing signs, moving into Aquarius and immediately crashing into a conjunction with Pluto. The aggressiveness of Mars’ opposing station is amplified by this harsh conjunction where we become extra possessive or jealous for no reason. A warning to everyone is: disengage from overly-negative thoughts that will sabotage your relationships.
December 7: Sun in Sagittarius opposing Jupiter Rx in Gemini
This transit could help bring some levity to the exceedingly frustrating end of the week, but we might also be in a more emotionally volatile mood overall. Watch out for acting with too much self-righteousness as it is more than likely unfounded confidence, or a distorted self-aggrandizement occurring. You can feel optimistic about making it through a tough week, but don’t over indulge or engage in risky behavior.
December 11: Venus in Aquarius opposing Mars Rx in Leo forming T-square to Moon in Taurus
Problems in relationships will arise today and they might result in feeling more sexual frustration than normal. It’s important to remember at this time to not start conflicts just because of this frustration. We can leverage the power of an exalted Moon in Taurus to make invitations to become more soft and sensual, whether that’s as self directed soothing, or tender care toward our loved ones.